Bamboo Garden Fundraiser Monday 19th June 2023

Monday 19th June | The Nativity Fundraising Committee are hosting a fundraiser at Bamboo Gardens to raise funds to go towards the Building Project. Bring your family/friends/neighbours and join us for a fun night of fabulous food and fellowship. Don’t forget that we have a great variety of food items in our silent auction.

Tickets are $40 each and include a multi-course meal, as well as the opportunity to bid on auction items.

Tickets may be purchased via cash (at the office), or online via direct deposit or credit.

To order tickets, please fill out this form and click submit.
Your contact details:

Dietary Requirements

Orders & Payments

Please ensure that the number of tickets you order corresponds with the names you have provided above.

Payment can be made by either
- cash (via Reception - please have exact amount),
- direct deposit, or
- credit (by completing fields at the bottom of this form).


Direct Deposit
: Westpac account number 03 0599 0309812 00
Please ensure you include your SURNAME and the reference 1520 BG.

Credit card: Payment fields will only appear once you have selected ticket quantities under Ticket Orders and Payment (credit card)
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
* Please note that this is a purchase not a donation - therefore donations receipts will not be issued.  
* Tickets will be available for collection from the Nativity office.

* There will be no refund for tickets. It is your responsibility to find someone to sell or give your ticket to if you are unable to use it on the night. Tickets are required for entry to the event so please keep them safe and bring them with you on the night.



Monday 19th June
The Nativity Fundraising Committee are hosting a fundraiser at Bamboo Gardens to raise funds to go towards the Building Project. Bring your family/friends/neighbours and join us for a fun night of fabulous food and fellowship. Don’t forget that we have a great variety of food items in our silent auction.

Tickets are $40 each and include a multi-course meal, as well as the opportunity to bid on auction items.

Tickets may be purchased via cash (at the office), or online via direct deposit or credit.

To order tickets, please fill out this form and click submit.